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Welcome to the Loku News Page


   In this page we will update you an all the new news (see what l did there) of Loku Comix so visit the news page weekly to stay updated on all our project

   FIRST LOKU TRADING CARD GAME TRADING CARD!!!! (Did that come out right???)

   Hey so anyways this is our first Loku Comix trading card and that's a big leap for Loku because it's the first project that we actually completed. But that doesn't mean it's ready for release yet because we still need to perfect it, that card above is our first prototype so anyways we'll update you on the project and special thanks to Qwoo for designing this card (She made it on paint... PAINT!!!!!)

   Legion of FIVE symbol completed!!!!!

   Oh man did we dodge a bullet there, because our admin: Paul was bugging us to make a symbol for the Legion of FIVE and we finally made it!!!! Special thanks once again to admine Qwoo for making this symbol (she made it on PAINT!!! If l didn't know any better l would accuse her of witchcraft!!!).

   Artix Entertainment Advertise

   Hey it's Lance so anyways welcome to Loku and l want to appoint a special company that's always had a special place in my heart and that's Artix Entertainment. So anyways play their games, they're really fun and put in a good word for us in their inbox.... I'm kidding but seriously in all good word we need as much help as possible so if you know a good programmer or animator have in contact us under Contact Us.  

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